Transform Intention To Action
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For the average person stuck in place, it is often difficult to see the big picture when you're actually inside the frame. Receive outside perspective vital to your personal or professional development process, and gain a clear visual by which to set your success in attainable steps. It's better to make a steady ascent as opposed to standing still, or maybe even go backward.

You've already taken action and made important steps towards improving your personal or professional development. However, you are beginning to stall or display signs of potentially falling back into self-limiting practices. Maybe you just need a guided push up to your next level? Gather insight into what obstacles or pitfalls are oftentimes looming, yet overlooked along our paths.
Rally Call
Get your group, team, or organization beyond excited, and more so deeply committed to the objectives. Assure that those bearing critical tasks don't become distracted by minutiae that oftentimes distorts mission clarity. Don't just drive emotion, yet connect the mission via intellectual collaboration and cultivate one's ability to become self-driven, as opposed to persistently requiring external motivation.

Battle Cry
You're the leader and of course, the visionary. Back-up is NOT on the way, yet you have a vision to effect and deliver. Perhaps looking left, pivoting, or one lateral step is the key to achieving the unobstructed trajectory you require. Collaborate and formulate a bullet-proof strategy to project your vision to your inner-court with penetrating permanency. Unlock the next level in your game, while preserving your valued personal and professional relationships in the process. "A visionary devoid of luminaries by which to light the path, wanders aimlessly in search of their destination."