We just start it and GO! Much like our vehicles, we often treat our businesses, or organizations much the same. No check engine or warning light present, so we just take it for granted that everything must be okay. It will perform as expected. Right? After all, there is a complex diagnostics system in place. Well, not entirely true. You still have to get out, and physically check the tires' tread wear every once in a while, to assure that you aren't going to lose traction, or be on the verge of a looming blow out.
Similarly, we may just assume that the elaborate systems, processes, policies, and procedures witnin or businesses or organizations serve as a highly accurate diagnostics, and warning platform. However and far to often, we simply take for granted the most valuable resource within our businesses. Not our cash flow, liquidity, revenue cycles or IT infrastructure, rather; our human counterparts. Whether it be our partners, colleagues, employees, customers or contacts, we may not regularly display the care and attention required to keep this most valuable resource firing on all cylinders. Many have accused me of placing entirely too much emphasis on the human development element within a business or organization, yet I assure you that until the world goes ENTIRELY A.I.; you better know when to check under the hood, and take an "inspection walk" around the vehicle. The interaction can be as simple as a company-wide email recognizing or encouraging people, or as elaborate as providing personal or professional development training to anyone within your network.
In any relationship, once it elevates to the level of requiring persistent WORK, you have basically breached the doorway into a state of chasing reclamation. It is my opinion that one of the reasons why my group is so very successful at engineering sustainable personal, and business trajectories is because; we never underestimate the human element, and believe that any relationship afforded regular CARE and ATTENTION should never elevate to that of a persistent WORK requirement.
Let me show you how.